Islamic Course
All About Quran is a distinguished online learning Academy. All the contemporary online academies are proving online learning services. A variety of Islamic knowledge is obligatory for every man and woman to know. Knowledge is a basic need and right of every individual. Learning nowadays is very easy due to available sources of technology. For example, you want to learn something, you don’t have to travel long distances as people had to cover in ancient times. Nowadays, while sitting in your home, you can widely connect and learn about the world.
Online Islamic courses
All About Quran offers you many Islamic courses. The knowledge that you will learn from the courses will help you live your life according to the golden rules of Islam, as you know that true wisdom is the fear of Allah. So, Islamic courses are for you to know about Allah, His directions, His prophets, and the method to follow the instructions of His beloved messenger, Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Our online academy has structured the course topics so systematically that you will gradually learn about the Quran and Islam. Online Islamic courses are subdivided into chapters and topics. Here, you can find an overview of all the topics included in the course. You need to learn all the Islamic courses; however, if you want to learn a special course, you can register for it with the consent of professional tutors. The chapters in the course are:
- Aqidah
- Pillars of Islam
- Fiqh
- Tajweed
- Hadith
- Tafseer

In the Islamic courses, Aqidah is the most important chapter. In this chapter, you will learn about seven basic beliefs essential for being Muslim—lacking any one of them cause you farther from Islam. They are: believe in Allah, Believe in Angels, believe in Holy Books, Believe in all Prophets of Allah, believe in the day of judgment, believe in destiny that it is from Allah, and believe in life after death. Admitting all these seven beliefs is part of faith. However, not only just admitting orally, but you have to accept it by heart.
Pillars of Islam
Five pillars sustain the structure of Islam. For becoming a true Muslim, you must hold all the pillars completely. The pillars mean performing all the acts obligatory in Islam. They are: uttering Shahada (the oneness of Allah and the Prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad SAW), offering prayers five times in a day, giving a fixed ration of your wealth in the name of Allah annually regarded as Zakat, keep fasting in the holy month of Ramzan (restricting yourself from eating, drinking, and sexual relationship with your wives and husbands), performing Hajj once in whole life according to your financial status.
Learn Quran with Trial Class With Us
However, we can find all the solutions according to issues related to religion. But, there is a certain matter that needs to be resolved. For that, we need to learn Fiqh. All About Quran offers you Fiqh short courses to learn about minor religious issues. You have to register yourself in the complete Fiqh for detailed information about Fiqh.
In this chapter of Islamic courses, you will learn the basic rules of Quran recitation. The instructor will teach you the correct way of articulating Arabic terms. After completing the course, you will read the Quran according to its recitation rules.
The life of Hazrat Muhammad SAW is an epitome for us. Every aspect of his life is preserved in the books of tradition. They are a light for us to lead us toward success in both worlds. In the course, you will learn about Hadith and how to spend life according to the teaching of Hazrat Muhammad SAW.
There is a complete course of Tafseer of Quran and Hadith that we, All About Quran, offer. After completing the course, you will be able to analyze the translation of the Quran and Hadith; also, you will be able to unlock the hidden meaning of the Holy Quran.
Why choose All About Quran?
There are certain reasons for choosing All About Quran among other online learning academies. You can also call it our features. In addition, some of our features are:
Our tutors are professional and adept in their respective subjects
All the tutors providing services via All About Quran have vast experience of at least three years in Islamic teaching
The tutors are certified from standard national and international universities
The timing of classes is according to your choice
No restriction for age limit
Special discount for new converts of Islam
Virtual testing system for your self-assessment
Certificate of appreciation after secure high grades in virtual examination
Special discount for online madrassa students
Affordable fee structure
Free registration for our ex-students
Free registration for individuals of age more than 40 years.