Urdu Language
Do you want to learn the Urdu language? All About Quran is an online academy of language learning where you can learn any language. We offer many courses include language courses, Quran learning, Hadith learning, and many other Islamic courses.
The Urdu language has a variety of uses in daily conversation. However, Urdu is the national language of Pakistan, but a mentioned number of people don’t know how to speak the Urdu language. Furthermore, your kids are reading in English medium schools and are fluent enough in speaking the English language. So, it would help if you educated them with the Urdu language. Here is a course for you to learn Urdu, an online Urdu language course. In addition, if you are a foreigner and want to surprise your relatives in Pakistan by speaking them in the Urdu language, the All About Quran language academy is for you.
Online Urdu language course
Online Urdu language course is only for you if you want to speak Urdu like natives. Many local languages like Pashto, Sindhi, Punjabi, Seraiki, Gujrati, and many others. However, you might talk to Urdu fluently, but that is different from the standard Urdu language used in offices and documents in Pakistan.
The online Urdu language course will help you learn the standard Urdu language. In the course, you will learn:
- The essence of Urdu language
- Urdu letters
- History of Urdu language
- Its connection with other languages
- Borrowed words in Urdu
- Importance of Urdu in science and technology
- How Urdu is helpful in your daily life conversation
- Urdu grammar
- Urdu dictionary
- Writing in the Urdu language
- Classic Urdu that was used earlier in the 19th century
- Modern Urdu (how words of other languages merged into the Urdu language)

Knowing Urdu Grammar will help you in understanding the art of writing. You can learn to write essays and paragraphs. In the course, you can learn the art of reading that will improve your vocabulary and write perfectly.
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Features of Urdu language course
After knowing the features of the Urdu language course, you will instantly register yourself in the Urdu language course.
- The online classes are convenient and effective
- Classes are taken in a friendly environment
- The Urdu language course is cost-effective
- The timing of the classes is flexible
- You can change your class timing with the consent of your tutors
- Professional and adept tutors passionately offer their services
Requirement for the online language classes
All About Quran will not compel you to buy heavy books. For attending an online language class, you need to have:
- A Mobile Phone/ Laptop or PC
- An active internet connection
- A notebook for writing down notes